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100% Cruelty-Free Goodies

Plant-based home bakery

All baked goodies including cupcakes, brownies, cookies, banana bread, and birthday cakes, all on your doorstep within days.


Browse the current selection of baked goods, ranging from personalised cakes to brownies to cookies!

Have something a bit more special in mind? Fill out a custom order form and we'll see what we can do.

Hello! I’m Ella

I’m a baker based in Glasgow, Scotland, originally from Cornwall. Whenever I bake I’m in my happy place, and I hope that when you receive my treats you get that warm feeling in your heart.

I was walking around Glasgow central and there was nowhere that had little vegan sweet treats, so my hope one day is to open a little vegan bakery cafe where people can come and feel at home.


From Our Customers:

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(From Vegan and Non-Vegan Customers!)