
Hi, I’m Ella!

I’ve been baking with my mother since I was little, it makes me feel at home.

Whenever I bake I’m in my happy place, and I hope that when you receive my treats you get that warm feeling in your heart.


I was walking around Glasgow central and there was nowhere that had little vegan sweet treats!


My hope one day is to open a little vegan bakery cafe where people can come and feel at home.

“ Does it taste like normal cake? ”

A lot of the time people have this worry that vegan treats won’t taste the same because they’re not made with the same ingredients, but what a lot of people don’t know is a lot of products you already eat are vegan without you knowing about it.

Common misconceptions people have about vegan cake and cookies is that if you don’t use eggs the cake would be dry and dense when in fact, there are plenty of substitutes to achieve the same texture. Just because a cake isn’t made with eggs, doesn’t mean it won’t be fluffy and moist!

Check out my client testimonials below to hear what non-vegans have to say about my products.

From Previous Customers:

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(From Vegan and Non-Vegan Customers!)